Version WinTen²⁺ Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 10/29/2012
Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software WinTen²⁺ Maintenance Release with the release date of 10/29/2012.

Financial Reports Release Notes

HIP Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Financial Reports


1. When printing or previewing Financial Reports, the report headers now include your agency's name, as well as the funds and/or cost centers included in the report. (Case 1882)

Path: Home tab menu > Financial Reports > Financial Report Writer > Financial Report Writer screen > Print icon


Bug Report

1. An error in the Aged Balance KPI prevented that KPI from refreshing on schedule. This has been corrected. (Case 5339)

Path: Home tab menu > HIP > KPI > KPI screen > KPI drop-down list > Housing group



1. We have added the Notes feature to the Inspection Scheduler. To access it, right-click an inspection in the grid on the left side of the Schedule Inspections screen, and then select Notes. (Case 2581)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen

Bug Report

1. For agencies running the Section 8 Desktop Inspections program in more than one data area, WinTen²⁺ sometimes scheduled Section 8 inspections for the wrong data area (Case 2905). Likewise for agencies running the Public Housing Desktop Inspections program in more than one data area, WinTen²⁺ sometimes scheduled Public Housing inspections for the wrong data area (Case 5114). This has been corrected.

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen


Bug Report

1. A "... timeout expired ..." error sometimes occurred when running reports. This has been corrected. (Case 5207)

Example Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Reports screen > View Results button

Work Orders

Bug Reports

1. A "... WOHeader locked ..." error sometimes occurred when saving a new work order. This has been corrected. (Case 5455)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order > Work Order screen > Save icon

2. An error sometimes occurred when assigning an employee to a work order on the Assign Work Orders screen. This has been corrected. (Case 5449)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Assign Work Orders > Assign Work Orders screen

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An MRI Software Company